Nangarhar University signs MoU with Al Taqwa Institute of Higher Education.

According the officials, with accordance to the MoU, both the higher educational institutions would support each other in teaching, research, practicums, appointment of the instructors, and other academic areas.
In the presence of Chancellor of Nangarhar University Professor Emeritus Dr. Khalil Ahmad Behsoodwal, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of Nangarhar University Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammad Hamid Kadwal and Vice Rector of Al Taqwa Institute of Higher Education Mohammad Ismail Momand signed the MoU.
Vice Rector of Al Taqwa Institute of Higher Education Mr. Mohammad Ismail Momand reminded the previous academic support of Nangarhar University with Al Taqwa, and beside gratitude, he emphasized on the continuation of the support.
Chancellor of Nangarhar University Professor Emeritus Dr. Khalil Ahmad Behsoodwal talked about the importance of mutual cooperation through MoUs and assured the Vice Rector of the support from Nangarhar University in the mentioned areas.
It is worthy to be mentioned that in the MoU signing event, Vice Chancellor for Students Affairs Associate Professor Sayed Akram Hashimi, Head of External Affairs Senior Lecturer Dr. Mohammad Dost Safi, Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs of Al Taqwa Mr. Zubair Hasrat, Head of Quality Assurance Naqibullah Motmaen, and the Head of Publishing Mr. Habibullah Loarand were also present there.