Nangarhar University signs MoU with Jalalabad Municipality.

Sat, Oct 24 2020 9:05 AM


According to the officials, this MoU is intended to be effective in mutual work between Nangarhar University and Jalalabad Municipality in academic, research, education, and other technical areas. Similarly, both the parties would cooperate in publicizing civil society.

In this connection, there was a gathering in the office of Chancellor, in which beside the leadership of Nangarhar University, vice chancellors, and professors; the Mayor and officials of Jalalabad Municipality also participated. In his speech Chancellor of Nangarhar University Professor Emeritus Dr. Khalil Ahmad Behsoodwal said, “Nangarhar University has vast number of manpower and academicians. Due to their responsibility, they have to actively participate in social activities and play a positive role in that regard”. He added, “With accordance to the MoU signed with Jalalabad Municipality, both the institutions would work together in academic, research, education, and other technical areas, and similarly students would get internship at various levels of Municipality and contribute in promoting civil society”. Professor Behsoodwal assured the officials of the municipality that professors and students of Nangarhar University would definitely work shoulder to shoulder with Jalalabad Municipality in cleaning and arranging the university and Jalalabad City at large.

Mayor of Jalalabad City Mr. Faisal Ahmad Amiri beside thanking the leadership of Nangarhar University said, “Professors of Nangarhar University have previously contributed in Advisory Council and now this assistance would be enforced even more”.

At the end, the leaders of both the institutions signed the MoU consisted of 11 articles. With accordance to the MoU, Nangarhar University will help out Jalalabad Municipality in the management, construction plans, cleaning campaigns, public awareness programs about civil society, income generation resources and transparent system of its collection, and other various activities of Jalalabad Municipality. On the other hand, Jalalabad Municipality will provide internship opportunities for the students of Nangarhar University and it will take active part in beautification, cleaning, and plantation of the university.


Translation: Gul Rasool Saber

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