Dean of Faculty

Short biography of the Dean of science faculty Assistant professor Mr. Sifatullah Shakir son of Abdulqadir, grand son of Ameer Jan was born in 1986 in Nangarhar province in the district of Chaprahar in Sholana village. Mr. Shakir belongs to an indebted and wisdom loving family. He completed his primary education in Sholana primary school. Then after he went to Chaprahar high school for secondary education. In 2003 he passed his high school exams. In the same year he took part in conkur intery test, in 2004 he got way to Nangarhar education faculty. In 2008 he successfully completed his four years( BA honors) from the mentioned faulty in Chemistry and biology department with the distinction. In the same year he started the job of teaching in Nuristan Teacher Training College. After an year of teaching in Nuristan, he passed a scholarship test in an open merit exam for farther education in Islamic republic of Iran. He got way to Shaheed Rejayee University. After successfully completion of the programe in 2011 Mr. Shakir returned to his country. Soon after he was introduced by the ministry of education in a special opointement to the general directorate of teacher education (Ted) as an academic and professional member of Academy of Sciences in the said directorate. After spending one year in serving in the previously mentioned office, Mr. Shakir said good bye to the ministry of education, by applying for the posts of lectureships which were announced for the newly established science faculty in the frame work of Nangarhar University. He was announced as a successful candidate for the lectureship in chemistry department. Never the less Mr. Shakir served as a member of national exam committee in ministry of higher education he was representative of Nangarhar university. For his brilliant work, the ministry awarded him with an appreciation letter. Considering the excellent reputation and out standing academic and administrative services along with the recommendation of the vice chancellor of Nangarhar University, the ministry of higher education nominated his name as the dean of Nangarhar science faculty. Which was approved by his Excellency the president of the Islamic republic of Afghanistan.

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