UNDP Deputy Director in Afghanistan visits Chancellor of Nangarhar University.

Thu, Dec 03 2020 10:06 AM


The Deputy Director of UNDP  in Afghanistan Sereo Buzurukova, along with a delegation, had a meeting with Professor Emeritus Dr . Khalil Ahmad Behsoodwal, the Chancellor of Nangarhar University. During the meeting , the two sides discussed the possibilities of strengthening the mutual relations and cooperation.

Chancellor Professor Emeritus Dr. Khalil Ahmad Behsoodwal welcomed the delegation and gave brief information about the university , as well as a number of university proposals to provide practical education, and internet facilities for the students, the research farms , laboratories , equipping computer labs, creating new master's programs, implementing some projects in the Agriculture, Engineering and Economics Faculties.

Ms. Sereo, Deputy Director of UNDP, assured the university 's leadership of the relevant areas of assistance and added that her administration is determined to form mutual cooperation with Nangarhar University in the future.

At the end of the meeting, the delegation visited the research farms of the Agricultural Faculty with the leadership of the university, which were informed by the officials and professors of the Agriculture Faculty about the ongoing research in the farms.

Translation: Gul Rasool Saber

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