12 – Day OBE-SCL Teaching Methodology Training Workshop comes to end at Nangarhar University.

The workshop, initiated by PDC of Nangarhar University, was conducted for the instructors of Spin Ghar Higher Education Institute.
In the closing event, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammad Hamid Kadwal talked about the need and importance of OBE-SCL Teaching Methodology. He added, “Nangarhar University strives to disseminate such standard teaching methodologies instead of customary methodologies”.
VC Kadwal thanked the officials of PDC and the Trainers. In addition, he asked the participant instructors to share the acquired experiences with their fellow colleagues in their relative faculties and departments.
Rector of Spin Ghar Higher Education Institute Dr. Subhanullah Hamidi thanked the leadership of Nangarhar University for always extending academic assistance and he hoped that NU would support them in the future in the similar fashion.
At the end of the event, the leadership of Nangarhar University distributed certificates of participation to the attendees. On the other hand, the leadership of Spin Ghar Higher Education Institute awarded Appreciation Letters to Head of PDC Junior Lecturer Mohammad Malyar Rahmani; and the Trainers Senior Lecturer Dr. Masaud Mohid and Senior Lecturer Javed Sahibzada.
Translation: Gul Rasool Saber